Archive for January, 2011

Impreza WRX STI + Graffiti

After getting hassled in a Conyers carwash, I needed to get the best out of my wash. I’ve taken my little STI to a little photo shoot. Don’t mind that I’ve shot my friend’s GTI and my old BMW there.

Impreza WRX STI + Graffiti
Impreza WRX STI + Graffiti

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Down to Florid a for the Holidays

We went down to Florida for the holidays. On the way back to Atlanta we picked up Humphrey in Ocala.

Holiday Dinner
Training Bogie
Barn Dog

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Oh wow, I’m in New York Times

Strange thing happened today. As I was reading through the times, I found myself reading an article about a local museum, the Go Fish Georgia Educational Center. While looking through their gallery, I noticed that one of my photos is on display in this museum. Some time last year, I was contacted by a developer of the museum asking for the rights of the photo. Given that it was going to go towards education, I had no problem of them using my picture. Anyway, I’m just glad that I can finally say “…haven’t you seen my work in New York Times?”


Look at the panoramic on the lower left with the white screen.

Indiana Panorama

My original photo.



Snowpocalypse – Cabin Fever

The cabin fever has settled in so we had to escape outside, despite the layer of ice on the snow. We thought about going to a bar, but gave up when we realized that it is nearly impossible to leave the neighborhood.

Snowpocalypse - Mon
Snowpocalypse - Karl
Snowpocalypse - Slide
Snowpocalypse - The STI awakens

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Snowpocalypse Cometh

From the wonderful 74-degree-ed Miami we arrived in the snowed in Atlanta. Delta was even nice enough to cancel our return flight, and so we had to fight with them to get on an earlier flight.

Snowpocalypse: The Beginning
Snowpocalypse: ATLiens don't know how to drive
Snowpocalypse: How does one drive?

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