Archive for category Urban Exploration

Abandonment in Mlini

Mlini is an interesting town by itself. It has a thriving resort and a few small hotels on one side of the town. On the other side reside three abandoned hotels. These hotels were left after the Balkan wars and are used for military practice and as a hangout for the local kids. Around the town are even more abandoned vacation houses and BnBs. I took one afternoon to walk around and try to capture the essence of these abandoned buildings.

Hotel Astarea
Abandoned Summer Home
Abandoned Hotel
Abandoned Kiosk
Abandoned Hotels

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Jimbo’s Pit Stop

This place has been sitting off of Chamblee Tucker Road for some time. I love how it’s so bright and yellow, yet so dead and abandoned.

Jimbo's Pit Stop

Jimbo's Pit Stop

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Superman’s Kryptonite Depot

Who knew that Superman is a major distributor of kryptonite.

Superman's Kryptonite Depot
Superman's Kryptonite Depot
Superman's Kryptonite Depot

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DareDevil’s School for Color Blind Children

Ever since DareDevil stopped fighting crime, he started a school for color blind children.

DareDevil's School for Color Blind Children

DareDevil's School for Color Blind Children

DareDevil's School for Color Blind Children

DareDevil's School for Color Blind Children

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Suburban Life The American Dream

I decided to explore around my neighborhood to find new road bike routes. During my exploration I came across two places with abandoned home development. There were abandoned tools, plots, garbage, and a complete halt of the suburban sprawl.





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